Sunday, August 8, 2010

Anushka Very Hot Pics

Fair Fashion

The conventional clothing industry is huge at over a trillion years in sales. To prevent the engine runs smoothly, clothing developed the concept of fast fashion. The clothing industry is working hard through advertising on ingrained in our minds the idea that we regularly upgrade our wardrobes with the latest style and / or seasonality. We must do these things, or seen as behind the times, old-fashioned, out of sync, uninteresting, etc.

But what we do is not that the real cost of cheap modes simply brought out to achieve. What I mean? Given the inexpensive clothes to keep this whole consumerism tread mill to produce clothing production to find cheap alternatives.

They do this by outsourcing their production to countries where labor is cheap, labor is lacking or nonexistent, and environmental requirements are minimal. So let's say A Big Apparel Corporation goes to the third world country looking for a clothing manufacturer. They shop for the best price to find and decide on local manufacturer B. They usually do not ask because they do not want to know exactly how the manufacturer can possibly order clothing prijs such a cheap production. Familiarity equals debt anyway?

Third World manufacturer B, the clothes so cheap because they use child labor, pay workers' wages are hardly on a par with live, no sacrifice Healthcare, childcare, insurance and has no costs associated with proper disposal of hazardous chemicals such as dyes, formaldehyde, fire retardants, etc., or textile waste dump, because they just all untreated to the nearest river or stream.

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